Wouldnt You Know Drive by Them Coons Got Song Lyrics

Turkey in the Straw Zip Coon sheet music

Q:Which vocal came first, "Turkey in the Straw" or "Quondam Cypher Coon?"
~ Martina Lowden, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

A:It is hard determine an original date for either song, simply virtually sources say that "Sometime Naught Coon" came earlier "Turkey in the Straw." The tune was pop in the 1830s, and the melody even so remains popular. The book Folk Music: A Regional Exploration tackles the question by looking at when sail music for the songs was produced. The earliest canvas music for "Erstwhile Zip Coon" dates to 1834. The song "Turkey in the Straw" is said to exist borrowed from information technology (Cohen, 2005 p. 210).

The character of Zip Coon, popularized by George Washington Dixon, was a contemporary, or rival if yous will, of Thomas Rice's graphic symbol Jim Crow. In that location is no bear witness to indicate Zip Coon predated Jim Crow (Boston Post October 31, 1833 page 2).

Although some sources, (The New Republic, "That Viral Story About the Racist Ice Cream Vocal is Wrong", and NPR, "Recall that Ice Foam truck vocal? Nosotros have unpleasant news for yous"), say "Turkey in the Straw" dates back to the early on 1800s, unfortunately, neither provides sources that validate the claim. The Library of Congress supports the position that "Turkey in the Straw" derived its origin from "Quondam Zip Coon" (Library of Congress). According to the Kendall Whaling Museum, the lyrics for "Turkey in the Harbinger" were written past Daniel Webster O'Brien, (also known every bitDan Bryant), a minstrel performer in 1861 (Frank, 2000, p. 5).

On another note, The New Republic commodity's claim that "Turkey in the Harbinger" is non a racist song (because it lacks racist lyrics) is questionable.  It was a popular black-faced minstrel show song and ane of the most popular sail music covers for the song is dominated by an prototype of a caricatured black man.

In sum, information technology appears that virtually credible sources date "One-time Zip Coon" as the earlier vocal. "Turkey in the Straw" is adjusted from it. Here are the lyrics to the ii songs.

Former Nil Coon

O ole Zilch Coon he is a larned skoler,
O ole Cipher Coon he is a larned skoler,
O ole Nix Coon he is a larned skoler,
Sings posum up a gum tree an coony in a holler,
possum up a gum tree, coony on a stump,
possum up a mucilage tree, coony on a stump,
possum upward a glue tree, coony on a stump,
Den over dubble trubble, Nil Coon will jump.

O zip a duden duden duden zippo a duden mean solar day.
O Naught a duden duden duden zip a duden day.
O Zip a duden duden duden zip a duden day.
Zip a duden duden duden cypher a duden twenty-four hours.

O it'due south quondam Suky blue skin, she is in lub wid me,
I went the udder arter apex to take a dish ob tea;
What do you lot tink now, Suky hab for supper,
Why craven foot an possum heel, widout any butter.

O zip a duden duden duden zip a duden day.
O Zip a duden duden duden zip a duden twenty-four hours.
O Aught a duden duden duden zip a duden day.
Zip a duden duden duden zip a duden solar day.

Did you eber see the wild goose, sailing on de sea,
O de wild goose move is a bery pretty notion;
Ebry time de wild goose, beckons to de swaller,
You hear him google google google google goller.

O zip a duden duden duden zip a duden day.
O Zero a duden duden duden nada a duden day.
O Zip a duden duden duden zip a duden day.
Zip a duden duden duden nil a duden mean solar day.

I tell you lot what volition happin den, now bery soon,
De Nited States Bank will be blone to de moon;
Dare Full general Jackson, will him lampoon,
An de bery nex President, will be Zip Coon.

O zip a duden duden duden zip a duden day.
O Nix a duden duden duden zip a duden solar day.
O Nothing a duden duden duden zip a duden day.
Zip a duden duden duden zilch a duden day.

And wen Zip Coon our President shall be,
He brand all de little Coons sing possum upwardly a tree;
O how de little Coons, volition trip the light fantastic an sing,
Wen he tie cartel tails togedder, cross de lim dey swing.

O zip a duden duden duden nix a duden day.
O Goose egg a duden duden duden nothing a duden day.
O Nil a duden duden duden zip a duden day.
Zip a duden duden duden zilch a duden mean solar day.

At present listen wat you arter, yous tarnel kritter Crocket,
You lot shant become head widout ole Zip, he is de male child to cake it;
Zero shall exist President, Crocket shall be vice,
An den dey ii togedder, will hab de tings squeamish.

O zip a duden duden duden nil a duden day.
O Zippo a duden duden duden zippo a duden day.
O Zip a duden duden duden nil a duden day.
Zero a duden duden duden zip a duden day.

I hab many tings to tork almost, but don't know which come first,
And so hither de toast to one-time Zip Coon, before he gin to rust;
May he hab de pretty girls, like de King ob ole,
To sing dis song so many times, 'fore he plough to mole.

O nix a duden duden duden cypher a duden day.
O Zip a duden duden duden zip a duden mean solar day.
O Null a duden duden duden zip a duden day.
Zip a duden duden duden zip a duden twenty-four hour period.

Turkey in the Straw

Equally I was a-goin'
On down the road
With a tired team
And a heavy load
I cracked my whip
And the leader sprung
I says day-day
To the wagon tongue.

Turkey in the straw,
Turkey in the harbinger,
Roll 'em up and twist 'em up
A high tuck a-haw
And hitting 'em up a tune called
'Turkey in the Straw'.

Went out to milk
And I didn't know how
I milked the caprine animal
Instead of the cow
A monkey sittin'
On a pile of straw
A-winkin' at
His mother-in-law.

Turkey in the straw
Turkey in the straw
Roll 'em up and twist 'em upwardly
A loftier constrict a-haw
And hit 'em upwards a tune called
'Turkey in the Straw'.

I came to the river
And I couldn't get across
So I paid five dollars
For a big bay hoss
Well, he wouldn't go ahead
And he wouldn't stand still
Then he went up and down
Like an old saw manufactory.

Turkey in the straw,
Turkey in the harbinger,
Roll 'em up and twist 'em up
A loftier tuck a-haw
And hit 'em up a tune called
'Turkey in the Straw'.

Did you e'er become fishin'
On a warm summer day
When all the fish
Were swimmin' in the bay
With their hands in their pockets
And their pockets in their pants
Did you lot always run across a fishie
Do the Hootchy-Kootchy Dance?

Turkey in the harbinger,
Turkey in the harbinger,
Roll 'em up and twist 'em up
A loftier tuck a-haw
And hitting 'em upwards a tune called
'Turkey in the Straw'.

Franklin Hughes
Jim Crow Museum
May 2018


Boston Post, Boston Massachusetts, October 31, 1833 folio 2
Retrieved from: https://www.newspapers.com/paradigm/56417024/?terms=%22zip%2Bcoon%22

Cohen, N. (2005).Folk music: A regional exploration. Westport, CT: Greenwood Printing.
Retrieved from: https://books.google.com/books?id=DqN_-kyCJFcC&pg=PA210&dq=%22old+null+coon%22&hl=en&sa=10&ved=0ahUKEwj09NGJv-LaAhVH2oMKHWyMDfsQ6AEIKzAB#v=onepage&q=%22turkey%20in%20the%20straw%22&f=simulated

Frank, S. (2000). Kendall Whaling Museum Monograph Series No. 12, "Musick on the Brain." Kendall Whaling Museum, Sharon, Massachusetts.
Retrieved from: https://world wide web.whalingmuseum.org/sites/default/files/pdf/KWM%20Monorgaph%20Series%20No%2012_Musick%20on%20the%20Brain.pdf

Johnson III, T. (2014). NPR Code Switch, "Retrieve that ice foam truck song? Nosotros accept unpleasant news for you." Retrieved from: https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2014/05/11/310708342/retrieve-that-ice-cream-truck-song-we-take-unpleasant-news-for-you lot

Library of Congress, Turkey in the Harbinger Sheet Music, Wood, Leo 1882-1929, Published 1920, Leo Feist, Inc. Rhode Isle.
Retrieved from: http://retention.loc.gov/diglib/ihas-natlib/loc.laurels.rpbaasm.1133/default.html

McWhorter, J. (2014). The New Republic, "That viral story most the racist ice cream vocal is wrong."
Retrieved from: https://newrepublic.com/article/117792/racist-ice-cream-song-story-nprcom-incorrect


Source: https://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/news/jimcrow/question/2018/may.htm

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