How to Upload a High Quality Photo on Instagram

Motion-picture show this: y'all put your middle and soul into creating a gorgeous photo or paradigm for your feed.

Yet, when you get to upload your image assets to social media, you striking a roadblock.

The content you've so advisedly created, collected, and curated looks terrible.

Peradventure the formatting is all wrong, the quality is off, or your images are blurry or pixelated.

Information technology'south a hot mess.

And if you lotneed your image quality to be superior (eg, yous're a photographer or videographer), it's crucial that y'all empathise how to upload high quality images on Instagram.

So instead of losing precious pixels, here's how you can upload amazing quality photos to Instagram and avoid losing hours of hard work.

The Lowdown on Instagram Prototype Quality

This vast user base is constantly uploading, viewing, and interacting with content. This is great news for businesses who desire to use the platform as a marketing channel. But Instagram can't maybe handle such colossal amounts of information every twenty-four hours past uploading images in their original loftier-resolution format. The platform simply wouldn't exist able to function – or information technology would be painfully slow and prone to crashing!

So, if images are uploaded in the incorrect format, even if they're super loftier-resolution, Instagram's algorithm automatically compresses them. It's the perfect solution, correct? Well, no…not ever.

If you lot don't know how to upload loftier quality images on Instagram, this automatic paradigm compression can transform your high quality images, compressing them to the point where they await blurry, pixelated, discolored, and even hard to recognize! If you continue uploading poor-quality images, your engagement volition plummet and your followers will leave your page in droves.

The good news is that there are several ways to get around your image upload issues. Past understanding what the best image quality for Instagram is and how to upload your content so information technology displays correctly, you can ensure your posts won't turn from fab to neglect quicker than it takes yous to say the give-and-take "engagement".

Why Instagram Paradigm Quality Matters

So why does Instagram even thing? Well, it's not only that Instagram has such impressive user numbers – although information technology does. But it'southward also that Instagram has become a highly effective marketing tool for businesses all over the globe, cartoon in consumers en masse and pushing them downwards the path to purchase at lightning speeds. In fact, it's and then constructive that a staggering 72% of Instagram users written report having fabricated a purchase after seeing a product on the platform.

Further, Instagram is being used more than and more frequently as a fundamental client service channel for businesses, with consumers increasingly using the platform as a way to connect with businesses. Over 200 million Instagram users around the earth visit i or more business profiles each mean solar day, and over 150 meg people apply Instagram Direct (Instagram's messaging feature) to communicate directly with a business each month.

Therefore, information technology's more important than ever that, as a business, or even as an individual wanting to build your digital footprint, you're presenting a consistent and cohesive make presence to those consumers – instead of posting pixelated images that are barely visible.

Instagram is a primarily visual medium, which presents rich opportunities to wow consumers with high-impact visual content. But, in the aforementioned token, this ways that by uploading images incorrectly, businesses could be losing opportunities to impress and, ultimately, convert consumers.

Non to mention the fact that marketing teams can easily waste material countless hours trying to fix Instagram image upload issues. And so, why non do it right the first fourth dimension?

Here'south How to Upload High Quality Images on Instagram

So, how can you upload your fabled visual content properly while achieving the best prototype quality for Instagram? Well, in that location are a few unlike ways you tin can go about uploading images without losing your Instagram image quality.

Ideally, you desire an upload process that is as simple equally possible. This will hateful you're not left posting at the last minute and you lot don't run the risk of formatting your image incorrectly.

Here'south our step-by-step guide on how to upload high quality images on Instagram.

Footstep 1: Ready Your Images

Unless you lot are brand new to Instagram, you should already have a social content strategy and content streams that go far super effortless for y'all to categorize your content and come up with fresh posts regularly. If not, nosotros suggest you lot create one! This will assistance you build a regular monthly social media content calendar, allowing you to schedule your content in advance.

Either way, whether you're scheduling a calendar month in advance or a day in advance, it's important to collect and curate your images earlier you post, and store them in an accessible location that tin can be hands shared with your team.

Images that are shared among teams using e-mail or other methods often get compressed. This means yous tin can easily compromise the paradigm's quality – and that's before you lot've even considered posting!

On the other hand, images taken on a DSLR camera volition almost ever be provided in a loftier-resolution quality, unless your lensman has already resized them for social media. That means that you'll definitely need to resize your images to make them smaller so they don't get compressed past Instagram.

Pace 2: Understand Instagram Image Requirements

Ready to post your images? It pays to have a moment to check your images beforehand to ensure they're going to postal service correctly, and and then make any adjustments as needed.

Typically, at that place are three reasons why your images might not be displaying correctly:

  • Your aspect ratio is incorrect. In this case, Instagram will automatically crop your image and you could lose quality
  • Your prototype is over 1MB and Instagram is automatically compressing information technology
  • Your image is too small or is of a low-quality image resolution

Essentially, the best resolution to use for Instagram images is the following:

For portrait photos: 1080px by 1350px. This will fill up upwards nearly of the telephone's screen on mobile (on which Instagram is most commonly used).

For square photos: 1080px by 1080px.

For landscape or horizontal photos: Posting a horizontal photo is not advised because of how users concur their smartphone vertically. Just if y'all practise happen to be posting a horizontal photo, then the longest border needs to exist 1080px.

If your images are not the correct size, they may not display properly or, worse nonetheless, Instagram will automatically compress them. And, unless you're methodically checking each mail that goes live, you're likely to miss these image posting errors.

The preferred image formats for Instagram are JPG or JPEG files, however, you tin too apply PNG and BMP.

Step 3: Edit Your Images

So, you've identified that your images are the wrong size, shape, or format. Firstly, yous can start past resizing your image to accommodate your desired specifications. By resizing your images yourself prior to posting, you eliminate the risk that Instagram will practise it for y'all and ruin how your beautiful images are displayed.

If you don't take admission to any scheduling tools, you tin resize your prototype files using a simple tool like Canva, or you can employ Adobe Lightroom if you are already using it for photograph editing.

Canva dashboard

If you're new to Adobe Lightroom, yous typically demand to take a course to fully understand all its features, but if you're just looking to re-size your images, for at present, follow the below steps:

  • Firstly, ingather your image to a ratio of four x five
  • Acuminate your epitome using the sharpening tool. Slight adjustments are best, to begin with
  • Resize your epitome so the short edge is no more than 1080 pixels
  • Export your image with a resolution of 72 pixels per inch
  • Double-cheque that your exported image is no more than 1MB in size

Recall, if you are using Canva or Lightroom, you still demand to beware when sharing your images. If you email your images to others (or even to yourself), y'all still run the hazard of prototype compression. Instead, upload the image to Google Drive to share with others. From in that location, you (or others in your squad) can download information technology on mobile, and post the paradigm.

Step 4: Upload via Instagram

Even if your image is already supplied in the correct format and size, y'all might want to perform a couple of adjustments to ensure the quality of your image is the all-time it can perhaps exist. If you don't have a scheduling tool, you'll accept to practice this manually. Again, you tin utilise Lightroom or Canva, just if you lot're just making some simple adjustments, you can besides only use Instagram itself.

When posting your prototype manually on Instagram, just follow the below instructions to edit:

  • Click the "+" symbol to start creating a new post
  • Select your image
  • Hit "side by side"
  • Striking "edit"
  • Select the "brightness" characteristic and increase this slightly using the slider tool – we recommend no more than 30% but apply your discretion
  • Select the "contrast" feature and increase this very slightly – ideally no more than than ten%
  • Scroll beyond to the "sharpen" feature and increment the sharpness of your image. This can assistance it appear more high resolution
  • Hitting "next", add your caption, and then post every bit you usually would

Highlight of the edit text on Instagram

Highlight of the sharpen function on Instagram

Highlight of the range of sharpen on Instagram

Of course, edits using Instagram won't be equally advanced as other editing tools, just if y'all're stuck at an event and need to mail something immediately, they tin can nevertheless brand a noticeable improvement to your posts.

The difficulty of editing within Instagram on an ongoing basis is that you have to edit as you post. That means you tin't schedule your posts in accelerate, making it difficult for y'all and your team to continue upward with a regular posting schedule.

Step 5: Upload via Sked Social

Instead of ownership a variety of tools to edit, share, and schedule your Instagram images, why not consolidate your software and use one platform for everything?

The benefits of using a scheduling platform are endless, especially when information technology comes to uploading your images the right way. Past using a scheduling tool, you can store, share, curate, edit, re-size, and schedule your images, all in the one system. This is about a 1000000 times easier than having iii unlike systems for file storage, file sharing, and image editing.

Enter: Sked Social. Our platform enables yous to continue all your images in the one platform, where you lot tin seamlessly manage and schedule your content, rather than switching platforms for different tasks. This particularly helps when social media is your primal aqueduct, or when different members of your social or marketing team need to collaborate, share, and schedule content. This is especially important when teams are working and collaborating remotely.

Picture this; you have social media images in about five different locations, ranging from a random file on the server to someone's habitation PC. At that place's a ameliorate solution!

Instead, Sked Social can store all your images in the i library. Information technology allows yous to easily import and store all your assets in the one place, with different collections for different brands, products, and locations. The platform can even auto-tag your images to brand things even easier.

If you're running low on content, Sked Social fifty-fifty has an enormous supply of gratis stock images that you can import and use, without worrying nigh licensing issues!

Need to edit your paradigm? No trouble! Our platform allows yous to perform advanced adjustments on your images earlier you schedule your post! Simply click the "edit" push button, make adjustments as needed, and schedule your post.

The Sked Social photo editor allows y'all to:

  • Crop your prototype to your desired size
  • Add a filter
  • Brand small adjustments like tweaking the sharpness, dissimilarity, or brightness
  • Alter the focus
  • Add together text to your image
  • Add together stickers or emojis to your paradigm
  • Add overlays in varying intensities, such as a vintage overlay

In fact, whether you're uploading to Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, Sked Social'due south image editor has preset crop sizes which requite you the confidence to crop to the correct size, whether you're posting to Facebook or yous want to upload an Instagram Story. This really helps when you're starting out – no more triple-checking your posting sizes for each platform.

The best function about Sked Social is that if y'all do happen to upload an image with the incorrect specifications, the platform will present you lot with an fault message, based on the platform you're scheduling on. This enables you to go back, edit your epitome correctly and re-upload in the correct format. Hallelujah! You'll never take a blurry paradigm again.

Step half-dozen: Cheque Your Live Posts

If you're uploading your images on Instagram, we recommend checking your posts once they are live, to exist sure they are uploaded in the correct format. This will ensure yous're non plagued past discoloration, blurriness, or any other image issue. You lot may also demand to check your epitome from a different device to ensure it uploads correctly.

When you're using a scheduling tool, the risk of uploading an image incorrectly is far lower. In fact, business organisation owners love scheduling content in advance, as information technology allows them to "ready and forget" their social content then they tin can direct their attention towards customer service, driving conversions, or a range of other crucial day-to-day business organization activities.

If you lot or someone else within your business organisation is scheduling social content for the start time, it pays to cheque the starting time few posts to ensure you lot have added your posts correctly. Only, on the whole, scheduling gives y'all the freedom to automate your posting and minimise the fourth dimension spent on social media management.

We hope this article has helped you empathise how to upload loftier quality images on Instagram. With any luck, soon your paradigm uploading process will become second nature and you'll exist able to postal service seamlessly – without going cross-eyed trying to view your compressed images!

Remember; the sooner y'all can ready up efficient processes and automate your social media marketing, the sooner y'all can focus your efforts on nailing your social media content. In turn, you'll kickoff to see increases in engagement, and consumers will be more probable to start trickling down the path to purchase.

Gear up to automate your social media channels?

Sked Social allows yous to collect, curate, and customize your content similar a pro! Manage your accounts, set up and forget your posts months in advance, and collaborate with your teams or dissimilar clients seamlessly.

Y'all can find out if Sked Social is correct for y'all with a gratis 7-twenty-four hours trial now!


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